Air Filled Foil Balloons Inflation Guide

Air Filled Foil Balloons Inflation Guide

Air filled foil balloons do not float and smaller air-filled balloons will not float even when inflated with helium. There are 2 types of air filled foils, self-sealing and heat-sealing. For the average customer we would only recommend self sealing, because the valve is designed to close in on itself and the air will not escape easily so is easy to inflate at home. Heat sealed balloons have an open valve and need to be healed with extreme heat. Although we recommend heat sealed balloons for professionals only, if you’re a confident crafter you may be lucky and youtube is a great source of information. But these instructions refer to the self-sealing balloons only.

  1. Carefully take out of packaging and lie flat
  2. Take a small straw (not usually included), insert into the valve and blow until you feel resistance and the balloon is full
  3. Remove straw
  4. Wait for the air to cool to room temperature (approx 20 minutes) and check – you may have to repeat the process if the reduction in temperature means more air is needed
  5. Air filled balloons can often be used again – push the straw in until the air starts to release (so the straw is past the self sealing valve inside the balloon) very very gently let the air go, fold and put away to be used again

The following links also have great information

  • Helium Guide – for float times and helium volume charts
  • Aftercare – to ensure your balloons last as long as possible


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